Ride Along with Pop, Adventures
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Eastgate Park trial runs testing camera "mount"; let's see how to do a "ride along with me", and what camera tools or tricks do I need?

Entertainment: Running aling the creek on a saturday with more users.  I am following two riders at my normal speed, and I am slowly overtaiking them.

Crabtree Creek Trail (Middle segment); This is where I
take grandkids and other guests.
 Atlantic Ave across Capital Blvd, Raleigh Blvd, and return.
(I skip the last segment.  It is too hard on an old man.)
1) Boardwalk from Hell, 2) Bordwalk across wildlife area,  3) Cruise along the edge of the creek you seldom can see. 4) Entry for return to Wild life boardwalk is descending zig-zag, zig-zag, then on to... 5) back across the swamp, and by the gazebo.
I ride 2.6 miles one way from my home to the Greenway. I ride a major artery for 1.7 miles of that. Trafic intensity determins if I ride the sidewalk all the way, or part of the way. See sample of my experience. More to come in this section.

Under construction

Upper Neuse Trail, coming here soon.


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